Wednesday, December 14, 2011


SO here we are at the end of 2011- and i think that (for one thinG) this band being around for a 2012 tour is the best thing that we could have ever asked for... given the circumstances (and there were LOTS of them) - but what a Great year 2011 was for all of us!!! Please join us at the LAKE TAVERN and seek out the beGinninGs of what 2012 holds in store for all of you awesome people who continue to show up at our shows and support us... 2011 hasn't exactly been easy at times.... but we LOVE all of you and PROMISE YOU that 2012 will be the year that synerGy banGed the GonG!!! we LOVE you all and look forward to kickinG many asses in the new year!
- pete, charlie, dave, jim and sean!

Thursday, December 1, 2011


the past year in 3 minutes... and we had SO MUCH FUN!!! with you (and hope that you had SO MUCH FUN with us.... that we will all Get toGether in 2o12.... find out the specifics on the new tour at THE LAKE TAVERN on NEW YEAR'S EVE on december 31, 2011... whatever we come up with - it's gonna be BOOM GOES THE DYNAMITE in one way or another!!!

Monday, November 14, 2011

...twas the niGht before thansGivinG...

ok - so it looks like it's been about 9 months since i've even visited the bloG (my apoloGies), but here we Go aGain. just a couple of shows left in 2011 and the SPECIAL SAUCE TOUR 2011 becomes just another crumpled up piece of paper in the trash heap of synerGy history, but fear not, another year, another tour - it's just the way we roll...
had such a Great time at the LAKE TAVERN in dayville last thanksGivinG's eve, that we all decided we'd do it aGain this year! look forward to seeing you there - and my new year's resolution is to actually keep up on this thinG!

Monday, February 7, 2011

MARCH 18th - THE CLUB in danielson - "they're always after 'me special sauce!"

join us for our take on a saint patrick's day party. just because we're a day late doesn't mean you shouldn't come down and hoist a Guiness with us. we'll be celebratinG lots of birthdays and the staGe will be a revolvinG door of special Guests, with a bunch of new sonGs thrown in for Good measure... why? you ask... because synerGy loves you, that's why!