Killingly’s synerGy are all about quality
GO recently asked 5 questions of Pete Sears from local band synerGy. Look for 5 questions from other local bands and bands playing in the region in future editions of GO.
How did your band form? Where and When:
We’re all from right here in northeast CT. We just kind of ended up together from different local bands. Dave and I were in a band called loaded moses, who we had put out a record with in 1994. Sean came from Think Big and Dreamline, and Jim came from The Exit. We played out as a cover band a lot in the early 90’s, then decided to take some time off and try doing our own stuff. Tony joined the band about a year ago right at the end of recording the album.
What type of music do you play? describe it.
I’d be hard pressed to put us into any one category. It’s definately rock, but we like to play around with different styles and genres. There’s stuff on the record that ranges from jazz, to bubblegum pop to heavy southern rock and everything in between. It does all have a certain sound throughout... you can tell its the same group of guys. Lyrically, I generally don’t write when i’m at my happiest or when things are going great. I find that part of the process really cathartic, so most of the songs have a tinge of loss or even sadness to them, but when we add the music, they somehow become these really almost happy-sounding sad songs.
What’s your live show like?
We’ve always tried to be about quality, whether its the sound system, the lighting, the album art, and everything in-between. If you’re going to choose to spend a night watching our band, we feel we kind of owe it to you to give you 100%. We do play a few things off the album, but we also play an awful lot of cover material. People want to hear music they know when they go out... we understand that and try to accomodate.
Why has your band been so successful?
Its always been slow and steady with us... we know where we’re going, even if it takes us years to get there. Perserverance and friendship. We’ve been at this for over 10 years and we still look forward to getting together every week and making music. Everything else is just gravy.
What’s in the future for your band?
For the immediate future, we want to get out there and start playing live again, both just for fun and to support the album. We also own our own recording equipment, so I’m sure another album will surface eventually... but we’ll blow up that bridge when we come to it!
Hometown: Killingly, CT
sean cristofori - bass, vocals •dave hayden - guitars • jim kamm - drums
tony pezzano - guitars, vocals • pete sears - keyboards, vocals
for more information, visit www.synergyontour.com
If you want to go:
synerGy at Dodd Stadium
When: Saturday, June 13th @ 5:30pm (preceeding CT Defenders vs Altoona Curve)
Price: $8.00 - (regular Defenders ticket price)